Good day today. Took off at 7 AM with my son Conor for a 25 mile ride, with a stop at the Saylorville Township Fire Department for a pancake breakfast. This was Conor's first ride of the year, and I was really proud of how well he rode. He was smart and asked to take a break when his legs or butt were getting a little weary. He kept a good steady pace for all of the ride, and didn't complain about the hills we rode up. Leaving the breakfast we rode home into a pretty stiff SSW wind. I let him go first as we were on riding on 66th Street, which is a pretty busy two lane road, and he kept trucking into the head wind. I hope to get out on more rides with him as the year progresses. For me, they are generally recovery level rides, but I enjoy spending the time with him. The scary part is that he can wear most of my clothing, and is getting close to me in bike size.

During the afternoon, I attempted to install the fenders on my LHT without much success, then rode with my wife to the grocery store to put our first load of groceries (and a 30 lb box of cat litter) in the Bob trailer. The Bob is going to take some getting used to. I like how it tracks when unloaded, but with heavier loads, it really tries to drag the back end of the bike around a lot more than I expected, especially going around corners. Headed to Denman's tomorrow morning for some trail work, so I'll hook it to the Monkey and see how it handles. I'll toss some tools in the Bob and head out for coffee in the morning, and then make my way to the trails for the work at 10:00 AM. If anyone else has nothing going in, we can always use an extra hand or two. The more the merrier.

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